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American Banker - Even in digital era, TV ads help smaller banks reel in deposits, study says read it here
American Banker - Why these banks still give away millions of pens a year read it here
American Bankers Association Banking Journal: Directors Briefing - Benefiting from Advisory Boards read it here
American Bankers Association Marketing Journal - Time to TikTok? read it here
Bankadelic (The Colorful Side of Finance) Podcast - Episode 160: Millennials, Marketing and Making Your Bank Shine listen here
Bank Administration Institute - Direct mail's triumphant return to bank marketing: 10 tips for success even among digital-first marketers read it here
Bank Administration Institute - BAI Executive Report: Anticipating Banking's 2025 Marketing Trends. Should bank marketing stay in-house or rely on agencies? and Dare to be dull: PNC wants to break through with ‘brilliantly boring’ claim. You can read the whole report here.
Bank Administration Institute - BAI Executive Report: Priorities in talent and professional development free sign up to read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Leveling up the bank marketing game read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Why your financial institution's marketing strategies must be especially agile and nimble read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Executive Report: Marketing Strategies for the Digital Age sign up to read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Today's model branch: Technology and donuts read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Today's Social Media Requires a Deft Touch read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Account ability: Deposit growth gears up read it here
Bank Administration Institute - Banking Strategies Executive Report: A view from the not-so-cheap seats (Gated content)
Bank Beat - Redefining your brand creates new opportunities, markets read it here
Bank Beat - The Value of a Marketing Change Up read it here
Bank on Digital Growth Podcast with James Robert Lay - Elevating Financial Brand Marketing from Event Planning to Strategic Growth listen here
Bank on Digital Growth Podcast with James Robert Lay - Moving Past the Commodity of Price listen here
Content Marketing Institute - Brainstorming Remotely read it here
Jack Rants with Modern Bankers Podcast - Bank Branding: Millennials to Social Media Strategy with Martha Piland listen here
The Financial Brand - Banking on Words: The Secret to Creating Memorable Bank Slogans and Taglines read it here
The Financial Brand - Digital marketing tactics, trends and tips to know about for 2024 read it here
The Financial Brand - Here's why bank marketers can't abandon millennials for Gen Z read it here
The Financial Brand - 8 Inspirational ideas for banks from other industries read it here
Money Media - Mutual of Omaha’s brand change: Thanks to Hannah Miller at Money-Media for the interview on Mutual of Omaha's brand change. It's always fun to talk about financial brands working to be their best. (Gated content)
National Mortgage Professional - A Fresh Start: Morgan Who? Enter AngelAI. read it here
StrategyCorps - Interview with Martha Bartlett Piland read it here